
Friday, September 3, 2010

Bought this new phone...

So I decided to buy a phone upon arriving in Saskatchewan, a Samsung Galaxy S, it's pretty nice, I'm posting from it right now. Possibly more to come later.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Well I guess I forgot this blog existed, and I haven't really posted anything, but since then another year at Millar's gone by, another amazing summer at camp, and now I'm ready and excited to start an internship at Trailview Alliance in Swift Current. I guess I'm moving in two days... Most of what I'll need is either in a suitcase or cardboard boxes already, and in the meantime I've been trying to catch up with the people in Brandon. It's unfortunate that the time I actually start to have a burden for this city is right before I leave, but I know where God is calling me, and I'm looking forward to it.

On a more "everyday" note, I've been debating getting a cell phone, specifically a Samsung Galaxy Vibrant smartphone from Sasktel... probably leaning towards no.. there's a lot I could do with $70 a month, and I'm not convinced that a phone is the best way to use that. Although It would be nice...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I should probably be in bed right now

So I haven't posted anything in awhile, but I was made aware of this video which I feel I should share with everyone I can! this sounds great!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just another day

So I was sorta bored today and came across this, it's ez instructions on making your own colored smoke bomb... looks really fun and quite simple to do! There's even instructions for making a ring pull mechanism instead of a fuse. I shall need to try this out sometime... muahahaha!

On a slightly less pyro note, today's sermon in church was pretty interesting. I thought Kelly did a great job filling in for Pastor Dan, and he tackled an issue I haven't heard covered in a sermon, which was financial planning. One of the most useful tips he gave, was to start saving and investing wisely as early as possible. To be honest, I was pretty skeptical of the sermon at first, given that finance is often quite a secular matter and my thoughts were mainly "why are we talking about saving money? so that us rich Canadians can just aquire more stuff and affluence?" I was challenged later on as I felt God telling me: lots of families need to hear this and so do you! I'm glad the focus of the sermon became giving because in the end, that's what it's all about: using our money to show that money isn't our treasure, Christ is. I think I have to credit my friend David for that quote.

As we get more into July, my heart has been going out to the bible camps in the area. It seems every camp this summer is lacking male staff, in fact Midway Bible Camp apparently has only one male counselor put in place for the majority of the summer. I'm quite tempted to quit and join the fight, but it would put a strain on the already understaffed lab. I have tried thinking and reasoning, and I end up coming back to the simplest answer: just wait on the Lord. Isn't he good?

"...Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God." Isaiah 50:10
Apparently I can just post Youtube vids straight on here.. who knew?

Here be the smoke bomb

I won't bother putting the ring pull vid up... it's cool but looks like a lot of work and possibly damaging to your hands

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The first one

So here I am, making the progression for Twitter's microblogging into this here "fullsize" blog. I always saw this as A) pointless or B) narcissistic, since either no one would read a blog, or that I would post simply to be read, but hey apparently this is supposed to improve my writing skills lol.

So as I spend my first summer away from camp for o... 5 years I think, I'm realizing that it's much tougher to be a witness in the workplace than I thought it would be. I often wonder if anyone else feels as restless or dare I say.. useless.. for the Kingdom than I do at times. Then I remember that God's leaders often spend unrecorded time before their ministries really begin, such as Moses, or Paul, or Christ Himself. I'm going to try to start up a College aged small group or something this summer I think. I find the fellowship here leaves me wanting something more... reading Acts has me wishing for a community of believers we don't see here much.

Well it's late and my 'rents are supposed to come back from their Toronto trip pretty soon.. I hope that burnt pizza smell wafts away before they get here haha.